

We share experiences and cases

Contextual vs Targeted Ads on Social Media: Comparing Approaches

“Social Media or Context?”: Perhaps the quintessential question of t...

Contextual advertising in Google Ads

Contextual advertising in Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is an al...

Contextual Advertising on YouTube: Opportunities and Settings

YouTube is not just one of the forms of modern television, but also a search eng...

Understanding Facebook Ad Quality

Is your advertising not delivering the results you hoped for? ? With this clickb...

Promotion of educational products on Facebook and Google

In August 2019, we helped a client to set up an advertising campaign, and then i...

Promotion of Niche B2B Service in LinkedIn: How We Boosted Sales of SaaS Product in the US Market

Revenue Grid’s service is essentially about offering supplementary feature...
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